Curiosities special: Japanese supermodel confesses that she's a man

This piece of news is quite old, but given that it only came in Spanish for some reason, I decided to wait a bit, do some further research and it turns out that it's true. And then you wonder how Japanese mangakas get their  *Ranma 1/2* and *To-love-ru trouble* inspiration for stories from O_O

Her name is Kayo Satoh, she's 22 years old and you may probably have never heard of her, but in Japan she is the IT girl everywhere. She is the host of a videogame news TV show and a local top model. Her 'Lolita' and constant 'cosplay' image, due to her sweet and innocent traits make her the fantasy of Japanese men.

Haku from Naruto, anyone?? ^_^

The persistent rumors on social media about the truth on her gender identity forced her to admit that she is actually a man in a Japanese TV interview show.

Given the people's fascination with her 'idol' figure, the hosts of the show ignored what she was saying until she proceeded to explain that she comes from a rural town, that she had to change her name and that she didn't go through any surgical intervention at all to achieve her image, but purely make up and natural beauty.

The truth started to slowly sink in in the baffled audience and thus a national scandal was born, along with the debate over if transexuals should go through surgical intervention to achieve the gender they truly want of feel they are.

It's a shame since she's really pretty and the truth on her gender shouldn't interfere with her job. But we know how these things go...
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