Yaoi Movies!

So yesterday I spend my time watching Yaoi Movies. From my point of view, there are far too little "hard" movies out there as compared with usual Hentai. However, I want to share my four favourites with you...
Type: Hard Yaoi (uncensored)
Length: 30 min 

Title: Koisuru Boukun
Type: Soft Yaoi (nothing to censor)
Length: 2x 30 min

Title: Enzai
Type: Hard (Shota) Yaoi (censored)
Length: 2x 30 min

Type: Soft Yaoi
Length: 2x 30 min

-- All movies are in english translated and subbed by aarinfantasy. --
Fileformat: .mkv (DivX) ~ 150 - 195 MB

Waiting for new Cartoon Yaoi? There will be new stuff soon :-)
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